Kitāb Malḥamat Dāniyāl ṣalawāt Allāh wa-salāmihi ʻalayhi ʻalāmāt mā yuḥdathu min al-zamān al-sālif / taʼlīf baʻḍ al-fuḍalāʼ al-mutaqaddamīn naffaʻanā Allāhu bihim fī al-dunyā wa-al-ākhirah amīn amīn. [1665]


Kitāb Malḥamat Dāniyāl ṣalawāt Allāh wa-salāmihi ʻalayhi ʻalāmāt mā yuḥdathu min al-zamān al-sālif / taʼlīf baʻḍ al-fuḍalāʼ al-mutaqaddamīn naffaʻanā Allāhu bihim fī al-dunyā wa-al-ākhirah amīn amīn. [1665]

Neat copy of a treatise on astral magic, or astrometeorology, dealing with the days of the week, the beginning of the year, and natural phenomena such as thunder, eclipses, etc. in conjunction with astral revolutions, in two parts (juzʼ 2 in 58 faṣl according to the description of contents fol. 17b-19a, 55 faṣl in the text). A note by a modern hand on fol. 1a and on a label pasted on the upper cover gives the author as Ḥubaysh ibn Ibrāhīm al-Tiflisī, probably following Baghdādī, Hadīyat al-ʻĀrifīn, I, 263. The text is followed on fol. 67b-68a by a table entitled "Jadwal al-zawj wa-al-zawjah" and by two short appendices ("Fāʼidah").

69 leaves : paper ; 220 x 155 (145 x 95) mm. bound to 220 x 165 mm.

Related Entities

There are 3 Entities related to this resource.

Tiflīsī, Ḥubaysh ibn Ibrāhīm, d. ca. 1203. (person)

David, King of Israel (person)

Daniel, (Biblical figure) (person)